Leadership versus management - to see whether you are a Leader or a Manager, answer True or False to the statements listed below the picture:
I think more about immediate results than I do about mentoring others
It’s nice to know about people’s long-term goals, but not necessary to do the job
The greatest pleasure in my job comes from making the work process more effective
I spend more of my time and attention on the weaker performers than I do on my top performers, who basically take care of themselves
It’s my job to know everything that goes on in my area
If you answered mainly "True" to the questions above, then you’ve given a Manager’s response. If you’ve answered mainly "False", then you’ve given a Leader’s response.
The difference between leadership and management really boils down to the influence a particular leader may have. Some just try to keep the boat afloat, and others strive for greatness.
Leadership versus management - someone whom others will follow
To be a leader is to be someone whom other people follow:
Leaders originate and catalyze change, managers execute change
Leaders create and change cultures whereas managers are the product of the cultures they operate within
In summary, leaders innovate and managers administrate
Leadership versus management - change needs to be seen to be led
"Leadership and Management are two distinct but complementary systems…
While managers promote stability, leaders press for change. Only organisations that can embrace both sides of that contradiction can thrive in turbulent times.”
Other perspectives
A further perspective on
leadership versus management
from the excellent changingminds.org run by David Straker and probably "the largest site in the world on all aspects of how we change what others think, feel and do."
My own personal view and experience of leadership is that:
Leaders are born not made
You know if you are a leader
Others know if you are a leader
And my own leadership credo is that "it is better to be decisively wrong that indecisively right"!What's your perspective on this?