Strategies For Managing Change

Processes That Work For People

The Art & Science Of Avoiding Unintended Consequences

Strategies For Managing Change. Graphic

Introducing Strategies For Managing Change

Strategies For Managing Change is all about a structured approach to change management that ensures that organizational changes are smoothly implemented, and that the lasting benefits of change are achieved.

It involves leading people, and managing processes, and resources to navigate the transition from an existing state to a desired future state.

Whether it’s technological upgrades, shifts in corporate strategy, or cultural transformations, change is a constant in the modern business environment.

Effective strategies for managing change are crucial to maintaining productivity and minimizing disruption.

However all of this is often easier said than done.

The term change management is a catch-all phrase that encapsulates all the elements of what it takes to not only achieve the desired benefits of the change, but also to avoid any number of unintended consequences.

This is why we refer to the art and the science of change management.

It's All About People - And Processes That Work For People

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Successful change management starts with a clear understanding of two things:

[1] The need for change

[2] The capability to change

It provides the tools and resources for success.

It focuses as much on the people-side as it does on the business-side.

A successful change initiative requires leadership as well as management!

This site provides all the resources you need to deal with all of this which you can download for free here:

"This is an excellent reference for anyone involved in change management"
- Mike Pollard, Business Analyst, Business Improvement Unit, Information & Communication Services, University of Dundee


Processes That Work For People

Complexity. Graphic

A successful change management initiative starts with a vision that defines what the change will look like and why it's necessary.

A clear vision helps align everyone towards a common goal, and it  involves taking an organization from Position A to Position B to realise that vision.

But the realisation of that vision involves bringing your people with you.

Strong leadership is essential for driving change. Leaders should be visible, communicate consistently, and demonstrate commitment to the change process.

A major challenge to change leaders is that we naturally gravitate to the tangible factors, the things and that we see and can control.

We automatically lean towards a fairly mechanistic view of life that sees life as a complicated system. We do our best to understand the moving parts, and this in turns leads us to having expectations of how things will work out.

Of course, in all these change situations, we understand that life is complicated.

However most of us, most of the time, make the mistake of thinking that if we  do all that we can to understand and address as many moving parts as possible, then we can achieve the outcomes that we seek.

We treat organisational change as though it is a complicated system, whereas in reality it is a complex system, and so we set ourselves up for failure.

 A complex systems approach requires us to shift our focus onto the intangible factors and things that we can influence.

Change processes are rarely linear and as change leaders we need to be ready to adjust strategies based on feedback and unforeseen challenges.

    Change management is about process - but it's also about people.

    The philosophy of this site is about "processes that work for people"!

    This involves the discipline of seeing wholes - a framework for seeing interrelationships rather than things, for seeing ‘patterns of change’ rather than ‘static snapshots.

"Loved the preview to the Practitioners Master Class; fabulous work you are doing, wonderful approach and really resonate with your attention to the human side of change… Many thanks for the gifts of interesting articles you share."
- Warm regards, Emma


Personal Change

Personal Change. Graphic

The goal of this website is very simple. It is to give you very specific strategies for managing change and leading people through change.

This means showing you how to put it all together - and manage the whole messy business.

But a big part of change is you!

  • Many of the things that happen in your life are random and beyond your control.
  • But, the one thing you can control is how you choose to respond to these events - and it is a choice.
  • The long term impact of these choices can have a major effect on your health, wealth and happiness.

    The Law Of Response And Outcome

    The outcomes that you experience are determined by your responses to the events in your life.

    This can be expressed as:

    Outcome = Event x Response

    The strength and quality of your response is determined by the skills and the experience you bring to it, and that is based on knowing how to think effectively.

    The stronger your response - the better the outcome.

For this reason we also focus on managing personal change - and we provide you with the practical resources to do this via our supporting site:

Zen Tools - For Tough Times

All pages on this site relating to personal change are now seamlessly and automatically transferred to this site.

"Practitioners' Masterclass provides an excellent roadmap for leaders who want to undertake change initiatives. It provides the reader with a comprehensive overview of the many challenges and practical strategies to effectively implement a change initiative."
- Ellis Katsof, Executive Director, Niagara Child and Youth Services


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