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(1) PDF downloads identified on the web page

There are now over 90 documents, reports, schematics, articles and checklists that can be downloaded directly from the relevant page. These are clearly identified by the PDF icon to the left of the link.

(2) You can now convert any internal or externally linked webpage into a PDF

There are many links on this site and also to excellent external sources of relevant material on leading and managing change. Now, courtesy of the "PDFmyURL" facility you can convert this material into fully sized PDF format suitable for downloading, copying to colleagues or printing - within the terms and conditions permitted by the individual site owners.

Here's how you do it:

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(3) FREE Ebook Download + EZINE

    This 35 page document is a brief introduction to some of the key themes and key points that you need to consider in starting the change process.

    Contents include:

    # 5 Guiding principles to incremental and step change
    # Assessing the case for change
    # The single biggest issue re managing change
    # 8 key strategies for managing change
    # 4 key steps to incremental change
    # How to shape your step-change initiative
    # The 3 Keys to realising the benefits of step change

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